Open Day at the occasion of the 50-th anniversary of Bergische Universität

23.05.2022|14:52 Uhr

On the occasion of its 50th birthday, the University of Wuppertal opened its doors on May 21. Young and old were invited to participate in exciting experiments, to experience interesting research and to take a diverse look behind the scenes. The IMACM participated with contributions from stochastics, optimization and AI.

The natural sciences were one of the focal points at the open house. There were numerous exhibition booths on mathematics, in which various groups of the IMACM were also involved:

  •     The optimization group (Kathrin Klamroth, Claudia Totzeck, Michale Stiglmayr) offered visitors to participate in hands-on experiments and computer simulations that illustrated optimization problems and modern solution methods. They experimented with consensus-based algorithms and competed against each other to find the shortest route for the Traveling Salesman problem and to optimally pack a backpack for the next hiking trip.
  • In the area of Artificial Intelligence, represented by Hanno Gottschalk and Matthias Rottmann, it was possible to experience the image recognition of an AI in the driving simulator. The effects achieved by AI style transfer on photographs of Wuppertal landmarks were aesthetically impressive.

In addition, the film "Am Ende war es nur  Chaos" ("at the end it was only chaos") was shown, in which dancers from the Pina Bausch Dance Theater artistically make the connection between movement and thermodynamics tangible. This film resulted from  a cooperation of Barbara Rüdiger with dancers of the dance theater.

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 Claudia Totzeck instructs young optimizers in the competition on the problem of the traveling salesman.

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Rector Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Lambert T. Koch sitting in the driving simulator for autonomous driving with displayed real-time image segmentation by the AI.

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 AI Style Transfer: The artificial intelligence receives a photo as a content specification and a painting as a style specification and fuses them into a new work. Here: Foto of the famous suspension railway,  style by Kandinsky.

Last modified: 11.12.2023

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